class="post-2725 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-ecommerce tag-31 tag-change tag-ecommerce tag-ecommerce-trends tag-online-shop tag-online-store tag-trends tag-web tag-web-design tag-web-trends"

Introduction If we can describe 2020 with one world, it could be “change”. Every business aspect is moving fast ahead and tries a new and unexpected way to fit in an uncertain situation. Businesses have had to evolve quickly and understand the rapid change in client’s behaviour. eCommerce is not an exception.  But even as … Continued

class="post-2258 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-web-design-development tag-31 tag-dark-mode tag-minimalism tag-patterns tag-web tag-web-trends"

Web design is constantly changing. Year after year, we follow different trends and improve websites towards them. 2020 started only two months ago, but it has already shown us how much the web has changed. At the same time, some styles are so awesome and never go away, such as the ever-present minimalism and colorful … Continued