
The NAP Lab


Тhe NAP Lab is one of the biggest Swedish online stores for sleep commoditiesТhe NAP Lab is working with Swedish researchers and experts who focus on sleep and the sleep experience with the mission of improving people’s sleep. The company provides products that can make life better for everyone. The previous version of The NAP Lab store was built on the Shopify platform. Due to different limitations, lack of control, missing tools, and non-existing functionalities, the company decided to migrate their online store to the WooCommerce platform.






WordPress & WooCommerce

What we did

Front end development

Back end development

ERP Integration

WooCommerce Development

Multimarket platform

The NAP Lab platform works seamlessly on multiple European markets: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Germany, France, Netherlands, and Spain.


Main goals

The main objective of The NAP Lab project was to create a fully customized online store that reflects the brand identity and drives sales. Full control over the eCommerce store was delivered to The NAP Lab team to ensure flexibility to develop their business. The website was built according to the best practices for optimal performance, ensuring the highest possible speed.

The NAP Lab project additionally includes integration with warehouses, suppliers, distributors, analytics, and marketing partners. The entire user experience was improved after a thorough problem mapping using in-depth analytics, heat mapping, and user testing.

User Journey

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At first glance

Aiming to make a great first impression, we built a homepage that stands out. Following Scandinavian minimalism, the homepage offers no more and no less, but everything the customer needs: menu, search box, shopping car, and ongoing sales.

The home page impresses with simplicity, soothing colors, and relaxing imagery to accompany The NAP Lab‘s message and identity.

Product listing & product page

The product

It is as relaxing as a nap to browse through The NAP Lab product listing and explore their product features.

Grind Web Studio’s team made it possible for each product to present specific functionalities – something that was impossible with the old Shopify version on the store. 


Beautiful images of fabrics and patterns combined with descriptive product details raise customer satisfaction to the top and inevitably boost the number of completed orders while minimizing the abandoned cart cases.

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Shopping cart


user-friendly shopping cart module is a must for any eCommerce platform. The NAP Lab shopping cart has a lovely user-centered design solution that every customer finds appealing. What makes it different are easy to add and remove options, accessible from any location on the online store.

Checkout process

Order and pay

The checkout process is usually the most stressful step of online purchase as it involves payment. The NAP Lab checkout, however, is stress-free due to its fully customized design and functionality. Unnecessary information is not required. A quick review of order items is accessible. The payment process is directly on the website with no intermediates. Last but not least, it has a clean, minimalist, and relaxing design, as with everything on The NAP Lab online store.

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Block components

The NAP Lab eCommerce platform is built entirely in separate blocks, every one of them customized based on the client’s needs. The blocks are available and can be re-used at any location on the website, aiming to expand further and develop the online store. These components can be used even for creating landing pages, which gives control and freedom for changes.



Multiple integrations

We built several payment options based on the needs of each European market and its clients. The NAP Lab is also fully integrated with Ingrid, Collector, Klaviyo,, and many marketing tools.

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Responsive design

Desktop and Mobile

The NAP Lab eCommerce platform has a fully responsive design. It works smoothly on any device and allows the customers to browse the website without a necessary screen resizing, scrolling, and zooming. The responsive design offers a better user experience and 100% customer satisfaction. 

Client Review

“We’re happy with the results, including the site’s speed and Grind Web’s ability to meet deadlines. Our conversion rates have increased too. That means more customers are buying from the site now. Grind delivered what was promised within the proposed timeline and budget. That’s rare in this industry.”